A little bit of the politics…

6 10 2008

and maybe a bit of a prize! Plurk is holding a mock election, and allowing folks to hold “mini” mock elections of their own. So, I’m running my own election on Plurk. Go vote!

So much better now…

24 07 2008

We’re still broke, but not needing to fork over three months worth of mortgage payments! The Husband has contacted the mortgage company and we’re in the process of getting an alternative payment schedule going.

I’m also currently looking for part time work so that I can at least pay for the gas in my car, and maybe help pay for the heating oil we’ll be needing this winter. If I knew I could make a decent wage, I’d spin more yarn and sell that. But from what I’ve been able to find out, it’s really hard to do. I’d also love to do some fiber processing, but I definitely don’t have the funds to open shop. Anyone in Southern Maryland need some help from a crafty person?

Now for a little bit of fun… Over on Ravelry, in the Completely Pointless and Arbitrary Group Group, we’ve been doing a little pirate and ninja themed swap. I got my package on Monday from Heidi(aka MissMoo).

pirate package 1

The yarn (if you can make it out underneath the sheepy tissues and envelope) is Berroco Jasper in a blend of reds and black with a bit of natural cream color, and I’ve already started knitting with it. I’m trying to make a mitered hat, but we’ll see…

merino superwash

And this is some superwash Merino roving that was tucked under the yarn! Yum! I’ve got to finish spinning the little bit of black alpaca I was able to salvage from the moth eaten fleece I bought back in November before I spin this… Must get more bobbins for my wheel…

Must. Resist. Urge…

11 07 2008

Yesterday the Husband informed me that we’re almost three months behind on house payments. THREE MONTHS!!! He’s been telling me for the longest time that we’re only one month and that he’s going to call the mortgage company. He hasn’t called! I’m texting his phone all day today to make sure he does call when he gets a break. My urge to kill is rising…

Now for more happy news… It looks like gimmesanity is about to give birth! Go and give her some happy, healthy baby vibes!

Also, on the knitting front, if you’re on Ravelry, go join in the Ravelympics! I’ll be participating in the mitten medley, and knitting Mongrel mittens, designed by a fellow Raveler -itisalwaysraining; and I’ll be using some of my handspun yarn from the two Jacob X fleece I got in May. Oh, and there’s only 21 more days until the unveiling of the Twist Collective! Some of the teasers on the site look totally fun!


3 06 2008

That’s me. I’ve been seriously slacking in writing posts.

So. What’s up?

I’ve been busy washing and spinning up the two Jacob cross fleeces that I got from Kari of Southern Comfort Berry Farm. She had these yearling rams who needed to be sheared, and I was looking for fleece. I paid a local woman to shear the sheep, and I got to take the fleece home. Once I can figure out where the Husband put the camera, I’ll post pictures of at least the entire black fleece and a portion of the grey and white one.

And if any knitters in Southern Maryland didn’t know already, Ellen of Crazy for Ewe is hosting two WWKIP events on June 14. One will be on the lawn of the La Plata store, and the other will be on the Leonardtown Town Square. I’m going to try and make it to La Plata that day, and I’m debating on weather I’ll just bring a knitting project or load the wheel into the car and spin up my fleece..

And among all this, this week the Husband’s parents are in the area (MIL has a week long conference in DC), and have taken Evalyn for the week. It’s just me and Tori and the Husband (at least until Friday), and Tori is talking our ears off. It’s like she doesn’t have to worry about her sister telling her to be quiet or talking over her, so she just babbles about ponies and helicopters and Godzilla…

When it rains…

6 05 2008


Well. I made it to MDS&W on Saturday without the Husband, but with both kids. We had a blast, but just as we were about to eat the Husband called. He had to work Saturday evening, and on his way into work at about 1 p.m., he calls me to tell me that his car is overheating. Not good. West Friendship is about an hour and a half drive from home. Luckily, our neighbor let him borrow one of his cars. Now the car is in the shop, and the Husband will be driving my car until Friday.

Then Sunday I wake up feeling rather sore and tired. I started thinking that this was just from pushing the stroller around the fairgrounds all day, then up the grassy hill to get to our car. I take some ibuprofen, hoping that will help with the aches. Then the chills start kicking in. The next thing I know, the Husband finds a tick on top of my head. The evil little sucker was starting to become engorged. Crazy thing is that this wasn’t my first tick bite this year. Prior to the one the Husband removed I had three others bite, and one I picked off my pants. Sunday night got really interesting. The Husband had to work, and I was really tired. I crawled into bed, only to start shivering uncontrollably. That lasted half an hour before I ended up stumbling to the bathroom, still shivering, to throw up. I ended up soaking in a warm bath afterwards just to get my muscles to relax.

Then yesterday, the Husband calls our PCP to see if she could see me. Thank goodness she could. I am now being treated for Lyme disease. The chills suck. They don’t subside until I throw up. My body aches something fierce. This has got to be worse than any flu I have ever had (Lyme disease symptoms are “flu-like” on all the websites I looked at). Oh, and on the way to the doctor’s office, I pulled another blood sucker out of my hair. I’m also the only one who is getting bitten. Totally nuts.

Knitting content!

4 03 2008

Now that it’s finally been published, I’m going to show a few (poorly taken in the mirror) pictures of the top I test knit for Chrissy of Gardiner Yarn Works
Cable wrap topCable wrap top backCable wrap top sleeve

That’s the Knotty Wrap Top, knit using Elsbeth Lavold Silky Wool in color #20. I so love this top!

Now I’m test knitting a new pattern for her. Does anyone remember me posting about participating in the MS3 KAL? Or the yarn that I spun for that? Well, I never used it for the KAL, so it’s now being used for this test knitting. I may post a few progress pictures of this, but I’m going to try and finish it by March 19 for the Husband’s graduation.

I belong when?

27 02 2008

You Belong in 1957

You’re fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in!

Belly dancing!

22 02 2008

Yesterday was our monthly MOMS Club meeting, and we had a guest “speaker”. We had Kali (Hi, Amy) from the Gypsy’s Monkey come and give us a brief lesson in belly dancing.

We had so much fun, and I found out that there’s an instructor nearby that has ongoing classes. So get ready to hear me ramble about costuming and performing, maybe.

Here are a few pics that one of the moms took while we were all wearing hip scarves, including the cute little boys.

Mom and ToriEvalyn and scarfMom posingBaby belly dancerI just love this last one. 😀

Evalyn liked it so much that she wants a hip scarf to dance in at home, and if I can I might get her to take lessons with me.

ETA: I just finished crocheting a cute little scarf with fringe for Evalyn to wear. She thinks it’s pretty and fun, and has tried doing hip shimmies in it. 🙂

Sorry. I’ve been a total slacker…

12 02 2008

So. I haven’t posted since December. Not a whole lot going on, other than waiting for the Husband’s training to end. They just recently extended it by an additional three weeks because of a very small training issue regarding about a dozen classmates (which even the instructors said should just be taken care of with in-service training at the end of the year), and the availability of a top department official.

I’ve been spinning up my gorgeous grey alpaca, and am planning on making a sweater. Last year, I participated in Journey to a shawl. This year is my own Journey to a Sweater. If anyone is interested in a SAL/KAL, let me know and I’ll set up a blog (just leave a comment)…


12 12 2007

Okay. Since I read yesterday that Wendy isn’t going to be doing her Heifer.org project this year, I’d be interested in taking it on. I set up a poll to see what others thought, and as I really don’t have much of anything to donate as a prize (maybe some sheep stitch markers, and a skein of sock yarn) I would be looking for folks to donate prizes as well. Please check out the poll, as it will end at Midnight on the 19th.

Heifer pollTake Our Poll